2 different size circuits in the same switch box

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United States
We recently had an inspector mark us for having two different size circuits coming in a 3-gang box. Two switches are on a 15 amp circuit for the lights. One switch is for an exhaust fan is on a separate 20amp circuit. Is this a violation, or does it just potentially look suspicious? I can't think of what the violation would be since the wire gauges aren't being mixed, they are just in the same box. I suppose the solution is either to put the exhaust fan on the 15 amp circuit or have a different location for that switch? Thanks.
Any decent inspector will cite an Article number in his rejection notice. If he failed to do that, he failed to do his job. Ask him to identify the Article. Make up some story like it's needed for the change order.
We recently had an inspector mark us for having two different size circuits coming in a 3-gang box. Two switches are on a 15 amp circuit for the lights. One switch is for an exhaust fan is on a separate 20amp circuit. Is this a violation, or does it just potentially look suspicious? I can't think of what the violation would be since the wire gauges aren't being mixed, they are just in the same box. I suppose the solution is either to put the exhaust fan on the 15 amp circuit or have a different location for that switch? Thanks.

As described this is not a violation. What was the voltage of the devices?
You could put a 50 amp and a 15 amp device in same box (on 50 and 15 amp circuits) and nothing in NEC would prohibit that. You do need barriers between devices that have more then 250 volts between them though, or barriers between power wiring and class 2 or communications devices in the same box.
The only thing I could possibly think of is making sure all grounds in the box are tied together with the largest conductor size being used as the tail for each device and making sure of box fill. Other than those things the basic application you describe is fine.
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