2 hour fire rated feeders to elevator machine rooms

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
In a high rise and in the case I am considering, a high rise hospital, I would reflexively put the the elevators on their own ATS and run those feeders in MI cable. But where in the code is this indicated? I know that if they are called Emergency in the building code, then Article 700 applies. Article 700.10 requires 2 hour fire rating of feeders for high rises and hospitals. Is that my answer. Or are there other references to be considered.
In a high rise and in the case I am considering, a high rise hospital, I would reflexively put the the elevators on their own ATS and run those feeders in MI cable. But where in the code is this indicated? I know that if they are called Emergency in the building code, then Article 700 applies. Article 700.10 requires 2 hour fire rating of feeders for high rises and hospitals. Is that my answer. Or are there other references to be considered.
517 Part II & III?
I don't believe the requirements of Article 700 apply to the hospital essential electrical system, other than the life safety branch, and even there 517.26 says not all of the rules in 700 apply. The rules for hospital electrical systems are under the purview of the technical committees for NFPA 99, and not those for NFPA 70. The NEC must take direction from NFPA 99....that is reason the hospital system only requires "coordination" and not "selective coordination" as required in some other NEC articles.

It appears the only wiring method requirements are found in 517.31(C).
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