2 pole breaker operation for dryer

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will breaker trip instataneously,if neutral is bonded to ground at service equipment with three wire configuration at dryer outlet?
will breaker trip instataneously,if neutral is bonded to ground at service equipment with three wire configuration at dryer outlet?
Why should it unless some fault current is flowing?
Now if you are talking about a 240V GFCI breaker, that would be a different question.

As long as the neutral (grounded) conductor remains intact, there will be no immediate difference between bonding the dryer ground to the neutral and keeping it isolated by using a fourth wire. There will be neutral current in the ground system if there is some other connection between the dryer and grounded metal, such as a gas pipe. But that will not blow a simple breaker on current.
I'm probably way off track...but you mean by three wire recep just the recep itself, not the wire having only three conductors including the ground? ie... black/ white/ ground.

Does it trip with nothing plugged into the recep? Maybe you should ring out your wires.

Sometimes the drywallers will miss the stub and your nail plate and run a screw through them just to help you out:)
Or they got crazy with the roto-zip but the wall is allready patched and painted so you wouldn't know it was a possibility.

Sometimes you new help is terrible at aiming with a hammer whilst driving staples....
Why should it unless some fault current is flowing?
Now if you are talking about a 240V GFCI breaker, that would be a different question.

As long as the neutral (grounded) conductor remains intact, there will be no immediate difference between bonding the dryer ground to the neutral and keeping it isolated by using a fourth wire. There will be neutral current in the ground system if there is some other connection between the dryer and grounded metal, such as a gas pipe. But that will not blow a simple breaker on current.

All true except there shouldn't be a gas pipe on a 240v 3 or 4-wire dryer.:p
To my knowledge, gas dryers (residential) are only 120V and shouldn't have a neutral bonded to the frame.
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