2 Questions

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Senior Member
Retired electrician
Hi All, what article states that an ungrounded circuit can not be extended?and can there be a light on a small appliance circuit?
Who said ungrounded circuit can not be extended?

Who said you can not have a plug in light on a SABC?
Look at 250.130 and 210.52(B) (1) and (2)

250.130 tells us a lot if by "ungrounded circuit" the OP meant a circuit involving either a grounded or an ungrounded supply but not having an EGC.
In the minimal context of the original question, that is probably a reasonable assumption.

210.52 tells us that there cannot be lighting outlets on the SABC, and the exceptions can be twisted to imply that the one cannot plug a light into an SABC outlet, but I think that is not the intention of the code section, nor anything that is particularly enforceable in the case of plug connected lighting.
But it is, IMHO quite clear that you cannot hardwire lighting other than that in exception 2 on an SABC. That would constitute a lighting outlet rather than a receptacle outlet.

The interesting case brought up in another thread of window sill mounted electric candles would seem to be prohibited on an SABC if hard wired or in those cases where the window sill outlets are not among the required receptacle outlets for the kitchen. :angel:
The original intent of the question was can an existing circuit fed by ungrounded Romex be extended? And the answer appears to be yes,as long as the extension EGC is connected to one of the means approved means in 250 50
The original intent of the question was can an existing circuit fed by ungrounded Romex be extended? And the answer appears to be yes,as long as the extension EGC is connected to one of the means approved means in 250 50

Or without the equipment grounding the conductor the circuit is protected by a GFCI.
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