2-Section Panel question.

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Electrical Designer
So an EC for a project has provided an 800A Main disconnect switch that feeds a 400A H1-A( with main breaker) and this H1-A feeds through another 400A H1-B(also with main breaker). Is this a proper way of doing this? Or would there be a better approach? I appreciate any information that can be provided.
Would having both 400A “at full load” drive the need for the 800A disconnect? Just curious.
Would having both 400A “at full load” drive the need for the 800A disconnect? Just curious.
If the first panel feeds the second via its 400 amp main breaker, the maximum load is 400 amps.
However if there is a tap on the line side of the first panel that would make sense. The easiest way to do that would be to have enough lug space on the first panels main breaker, but with an 800 amp feeder, not sure you could get enough lug space ...would require room for three 500kcmil per phase. Have seen that done with two 200 amp panels fed from a 400 amp feeder.
If the first panel feeds the second via its 400 amp main breaker, the maximum load is 400 amps.
However if there is a tap on the line side of the first panel that would make sense. The easiest way to do that would be to have enough lug space on the first panels main breaker, but with an 800 amp feeder, not sure you could get enough lug space ...would require room for three 500kcmil per phase. Have seen that done with two 200 amp panels fed from a 400 amp feeder.
That is what I am trying to understand. That is why I expected clarification from the OP
We need to clarify what he means by "feeds through". Does he mean feed-through lugs with the second panel tapped off of the bus of the first? Or does he mean the cables to the second panel are routed through the backbox of the first.

It makes a big difference.
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