2 section panel?

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Senior Member
I have a 2 section panel,with feed thru lugs. Circuits 41 and 43 enter in the left section in MC. Do I need to run a neutral with the hot from 43 to the right section, off the neutral bar, thru a chase nipple? Or should I push a loop thru the nipple and leave 43 in the right section and land 41 and the nuetral in the left section?......
Are 41 and 43 are part of multi wire branch circuit?

If so you have problems.

In any case the ungrounded and grounded conductors have to go to the same panel. 300(3)(B) and likely at least another code section.
Are 41 and 43 are part of multi wire branch circuit?

If so you have problems.

In any case the ungrounded and grounded conductors have to go to the same panel. 300(3)(B) and likely at least another code section.

300.3 B doesnt talk about panels...If it does, arent 2 panel sections together actually considered just one panel?
look, even if this panel was in the white house and the highest paid EE in the country drew the drawings showing those two ckts on a mw ckt, I would just change it so the two originated in the same can (while muttering under my breath). come on.
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