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Hey guys, I just want some feedback on use permitted for aluminum type SEU and SER as service entrance, specifically its ampacity derating. I am pretty sure I am correct but non the less, here's the scenerio. I understand that note (8) allows the use of #2 type SEU and SER as 100 amp service conductor/s for single and two family dwellings only. I take that as it cannot be used as service entrance and have protection more than 100 for 1) R3 multi family 2) commercial occupancies. So in the case of a multi family apartment building each "dwelling" must have a 100 amp service BUT it cannot be using the number 2 AWG aluminum. It would have to be sized in accord with the table/s etc in 310-16 or be protected at the next common (code given) size, which would be 90amps. So if feeders were pulled in an R3 that were #2 Al they can only have 90 amp protection but at the same time the apartment service size would be in violation because it is a dwelling and the minimum size service is 100 amp. Who say yey and who say ney ? Thanks in advance, Jim