Do they need to be tamper resistant ?
I was in a house once where some one filled in the ground with compound:lol: It was intentional as there was more then one. I would probably look for an outlet that fed others and use some gfi's and no ground labels on the others.IMHO, if you have to replace the receptacles anyway I'd still use 3-slot TR's and mark the receptacle with "no equipment ground" labels.
IMHO, if you have to replace the receptacles anyway I'd still use 3-slot TR's and mark the receptacle with "no equipment ground" labels.
A label notwithstanding I would think that it would cause more problems than it would solve if the receptacles looked grounded but were not.IMHO, if you have to replace the receptacles anyway I'd still use 3-slot TR's and mark the receptacle with "no equipment ground" labels.
You can replace with three prongs if you put a GFCI in.
And why would AFCI's be required? You are not modifying, replacing or extending the branch circuit wiring.
Y'all Left coasters need to catch up.
Receptacle replacement 2014
4) Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection.
Where a receptacle outlet is supplied by a branch circuit that re-
quires arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection as specified
elsewhere in this Code, a replacement receptacle at this
outlet shall be one of the following:
(1) A listed outlet branch-circuit type arc-fault circuit-
interrupter receptacle
(2) A receptacle protected by a listed outlet branch-circuit
type arc-fault circuit-interrupter type receptacle
(3) A receptacle protected by a listed combination type
arc-fault circuit-interrupter type circuit breaker
This requirement becomes effective January 1, 2014.
But then you need to provide a copy of 250.114 so the owner knows what equiupment is not permitted to be plugged into that receptacleIMHO, if you have to replace the receptacles anyway I'd still use 3-slot TR's and mark the receptacle with "no equipment ground" labels.
Y'all Left coasters need to catch up.
Assuming the existing receptacle is in an area that now requires AFCI.
Receptacle replacement 2014
4) Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection.
Where a receptacle outlet is supplied by a branch circuit that re-
quires arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection as specified
elsewhere in this Code, a replacement receptacle at this
outlet shall be one of the following:
(1) A listed outlet branch-circuit type arc-fault circuit-
interrupter receptacle
(2) A receptacle protected by a listed outlet branch-circuit
type arc-fault circuit-interrupter type receptacle
(3) A receptacle protected by a listed combination type
arc-fault circuit-interrupter type circuit breaker
This requirement becomes effective January 1, 2014.
Need to look at Exception 1