200 amp service minimum allowed

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Senior Member
Alexandria, VA
Business owner Electrical contractor
Ok, so how and when did 200 amps become the minimum/standard service? No matter how big or small the house the owner wants a 200 amp service.

Today I had a owner request 200 amps and my calculation was 80 amps.

I guess this is the same as requesting 200 megabytes of RAM for word processing?
Cost to install a 200A U/G is virtually no different from a 100. With panels (HOM 30/40) value packs running about $95.00 it's become the standard around here.Installing a 100A service in a $200K house doesn't make sense. Add an electric pool heater or a hot tub down the road and your maxed. Last time I figured the cost difference including service conductors, and GEC upsize it was peanuts. A lot of the spec homes locally are about 1800sq ft with Electric range, dryer,2.5Ton AC, .
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