2005 National Electrical Code (NEC) Changes - Effect on UL Standards

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Senior Member
Durham, NC

I found this link in a UL search this AM! This is for 2005 NEC Code, released 2006-10-18.

In this PDF note in the left column, that the UL standard number is listed againest individual code articles that came out new or addition changes of 2005.
I don't have to deal to much with UL but I did find this to be a future quick reference!

I was technically looking for something else but found this listing very interesting.

The 2007 UL White Book has an index of UL product categories correlated to the 2005 NEC starting on page 374 and the 2008 White Book has the product categories correlated to the 2008 NEC 2008 NEC starting on page 395.
This link has also be posted before and this is Cross reference of UL itself!

"The UL Code Correlation Database identifies the correlation between particular model code section numbers and UL Product Category Codes. The database also provides hyperlinks to the UL Guide Information and other specific information pertaining to each Category Code."


Thanks SEO.. :)
Tag your it! I knew someone would state as much, I even thought, "you know someone will post a better link", IE I know this will exist else where.
I frankly couldn't beleive what I was reading this AM and than recalled that this additional link exists as well, and as usuall could only think about some code forum... :rolleyes:
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