2008 520.53(p)

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Senior Member
I dont have 2008, only 2005 since thats whats in effect where I am.

In 2008, I seem to remember something about 520.53(P) changing to replace 'qualified individual' with a requirement for a licensed electrican, or something along those lines?

Basically my question, is who can make a connection to a disconnect switch on a stage?
I don't know that the '08 Change (underlined) will help you with your problem.
Qualified Person. One who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
FPN: Refer to NFPA 70E?-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, for electrical safety training requirements.
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2008 NEC:

P Qualified Personnel. The routing of portable supply conductors, the making and breaking of supply connectors and other supply connections, and the energization and de-energization of supply services shall be performed by qualified personnel, and portable switchboards shall be so marked, indicating this requirement in a permanent and conspicuous manner.

Exception: A portable switchboard shall be permitted to be connected to a permanently installed supply receptacle by other than qualified personnel, provided that the supply receptacle is protected for its rated ampacity by an overcurrent device of not greater than 150 amperes, and where the receptacle, interconnection, and switchboard comply with all of the following:

(a)Employ listed multipole connectors suitable for the purpose for every supply interconnection

(b)Prevent access to all supply connections by the general public

(c)Employ listed extra-hard usage multiconductor cords or cables with an ampacity suitable for the type of load and not less than the ampere rating of the connectors.
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