2008 NEC free access

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Rich Elec.

Senior Member
I need help.
I am trying to view the free access 2008 NEC off of the NFPA web site.
I cannot view an entire page on my screen, the bottom few sentences are cut off. No scrolling bar on the right hand side of the page is available.
Does anyone have an idea on how to scroll down?
If you can find the 2008 NEC for free, you are really doing something. As for scrolling down, you should be able to use the scroll bar to the right of the screen. If this is not an option, maybe it is meant to be that way. I would suggest kicking out $80.00 and purchasing the Loose Leaf NEC Code Book so you can refer to it whenever you want. No Scrolling Needed.
If you can find the 2008 NEC for free, you are really doing something.
The NFPA has made all of their codes and standards available for free viewing at their website. You cannot copy, search, download or print the documents, but you can view them.
I am not sure why Rich is having trouble with the scroll function. It works for me. Note it is on the right side of the window that opens, and not on the right side of the screen.
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