200amp/100amp question

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If I have a 100amp panel in a home and say the homeowner needs more breaker space but doesn't want a sub panel and can't afford a 200amp service change, is it legit to put in a 200amp panel and switch out the 200 amp breaker for a 100amp breaker and it be considered a 100amp box?
Just use a 200 amp rated main lug panel and put a 100 amp breaker in it for the main. Don't forget the hold down kit for the main breaker if you do that, though.
along with peter d's idea, I would use a 200 amp panel that could be converted to a main breaker panel in the future (such as G-E's LM1620CCU7) so he could still use that panel when he upgrades and for now simply install a back-fed 100.
Dan, welcome to the forum! :)

You could also add a sub-panel to the existing one. I prefer placing larger new loads in the existing panel, and relocating several smaller circuits to the sub-panel along with smaller new circuits. That allows a smaller new feeder and feeder breaker.
He may not have the space or he may have a Zinsco, Pushamatic or FPE panel and wants to upgrade who knows?
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