2011 NEC 210.7

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Senior Member
South of Bawstin
Would running 2 branch circuits to a bathroom heat-fan-light unit require a 2-pole breaker under this new rule?

Another similar piece of equipment that I run 2 branch circuits to is a pump control for a sewer pump system. Would this need a 2-pole breaker under this new rule?

What are examples of equipment on the same yoke?

I would think your examples would more than likely require simultaneous disconnect due to 210.4.
If your bath heat-light fan switch had two ungrounded conductors it would fall under 210.7. If those conductors shared a neutral it would also fall under 210.4.

To me 210.7 addresses a situation where, for example, you might run two nonindependent branch circuits (such as two 12/2s) to a duplex receptacle (as opposed to a 3 wire MWBC covered by 210.4) or one of the switch/receptacle combo stack units where the receptacle was on one circuit and the switch on another.
To me 210.7 addresses a situation where, for example, you might run two nonindependent branch circuits (such as two 12/2s) to a duplex receptacle (as opposed to a 3 wire MWBC covered by 210.4) or one of the switch/receptacle combo stack units where the receptacle was on one circuit and the switch on another.

Your above example is similar to mine except yours come together to connect to a "device"

I ran one 12-2 branch circuit for the heater (thru its own wall switch) and grabbed power from another 14-2 branch circuit nearby for the light, nite-lite & exhaust fan (controlled thur 2 seperate wall switches). Nowhere do the circuits come together on the yoke of a device.

The only place the 2 branch circuits come together is at the equipment (the bath heat-fan-light unit).

I guess because the piece of equipment in my example (the bath HFL unit) has different components mounted together within the same sheet metal "frame", this would be different than "Yoke"???

Thats why I was looking for examples of equipment on the same yoke???

Thanks for the feedback.
Are your neutrals separate in the HLF unit ?
If so, based on your other info, I see no Code reason for simultaneous disconnect means.
Are your neutrals separate in the HLF unit ?
If so, based on your other info, I see no Code reason for simultaneous disconnect means.

How about a sticker inside the fan/light unit (but outside the wiring area) warning that it is supplied by power from two independent breakers though?
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