2011 nec adoptaion in pa. quest ?

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Senior Member
i receivded a e mail stating that the rac voted to recommend to the pa. legislature that a 6 year cycle be institued under the ucc code.also a riview of the latest triennial code revisions by icc code council . if these recommendaations are accepted the 2009 i codes that are in effect will remain in effct until at least 2015 when rac must review changes in the 2015 i codes .that would mean that the 2008 nec and2008 irc which is adopted by refernce in the 2009 building code would reamin in effect.does this mean that you would still be ueing the 2088 nec ?thank you
I found this on the Pennsylvania Builders Association's website:

"January 25, 2012 ? The Pennsylvania Builders Association is pleased that the Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council voted 11 to 5 on Wednesday, January 18 to not adopt any 2012 International Code Council codes in Pennsylvania. This action was supported by builders, building code officials, architects and engineers that are members of the Council. The result of this vote will provide three years of no additional building code costs for not only builders, but consumers across the state, who in the end pay for the changes."

Considering that PA has been adopting the NEC only through the ICC, and that they are not adopting ICC 2012, it appears we will be using the 2008 NEC until at least 2015.

also mentioned:

"In addition to three years of relief, the RAC voted to send a recommendation to the legislature to amend the UCC Act to extend the code change adoption cycle from every three years to every six years."

So I guess the six year cycle isn't a permanent change yet, but it looks like they are at least skipping this cycle by not adopting ICC 2012.

link to the article is here: http://www.pabuilders.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=1131
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