2014 adopted in NJ

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Senior Member
New Jersey
The 2014 NEC was adopted in NJ 9/21/15 with alterations. You can see the changes on this site http://www.state.nj.us/dca/divisions/codes/codreg/rule_proposals_adoptions.html. Go to the January 5th posting and the adopted changes to the right. The 6 month grace period begins allowing you to state which code your using when applying for a permit. This grace period counts from the date of your application not the date your permit is issued.
Other Codes Too

Other Codes Too

Please note that along with the 2014 NEC, they've also adopted the 2015 IBC, IRC, and IMC as amended for NJ. Also the 2013 NFPA 72. Ugly secret in the 2013 NFPA 72; you're limited to 50 devices on an SLC unless you use Class A circuits and isolation modules. Not so ugly, no more conventional panels unless the building is one story and under 22,500 square feet.
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