2014 already!????

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Sometimes I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag
Roanoke, VA.
Sorta retired........
Massachusetts doesn't play around do they?

Date: August 23, 2013
To: PFS Regional Offices, Plan Reviewers and Inspectors Servicing Modular Manufacturers Shipping into Massachusetts
cc: Modular Manufacturers Shipping into Massachusetts
From:? Manufactured Structures Division
Subj: 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Codes ? effective January 1, 2014
The Massachusetts Manufactured Building Program (MMBP) notified PFS Corporation of the intent to adopt the 2014 Massachusetts Electrical Code (527 CMR 12.00) on January 1, 2014. The base document for the 527 CMR 12.00 is the 2014 National Electrical Code with Massachusetts amendments. Enclosed are several amendments to the 2014 NEC for review.
If there are any questions, please contact us.
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I found it amusing when I found this website that there were places where you DIDN'T start using the new code on the first day of that year.
And we don't even like the code enough to just follow it. We have a laundry list of amendments to it on that first day as well.

And of course the NFPA offices are here.
Our adoption here in NJ probably won't be until early in 2015 to coincide with the triennial license renewal.
Is 2014 even available in printed copies yet? I was thinking it was another month or so before you would even be able to get a copy.

That said I can understand having plans reviews for projects that will start after Jan 1 to require plans to be designed to the new code.

Here the code in effect for a project is based on what code was in effect the day the permit was issued. If Jan 1 was the effective date of new code a permit issued on Dec 31 would still be under the old code, even if construction had not yet physically started.
Here the code in effect for a project is based on what code was in effect the day the permit was issued. If Jan 1 was the effective date of new code a permit issued on Dec 31 would still be under the old code, even if construction had not yet physically started.

Same here.

Also we just renewed our licenses last month, so we're all set for the new code.
I found it amusing when I found this website that there were places where you DIDN'T start using the new code on the first day of that year.
I bet you were even more amused when you found out some places are nearly 10 years behind the latest edition of the NEC.

I think they are just slow learners in those places:)
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