2014 Erratas & TIA's

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14-6 does not seem to clarify things all that much to me!

Are they just saying that you can plug a cord set with GF protection into the already protected circuit, or are they trying to say that you can use such cord sets instead of the permanent GFCI?
Are they incorporating these into their PDF download?

I purchased the handbook a couple of weeks ago, if I download it again will the updates be in the download?
I am confused as well. I thought the first part covered the changed part "In addition" not sure I see the difference there. It sounds like it is saying that all must be gfci protected and a cord set is permitted-- It does not say that the cord set gfci can negate the need for the hard wired gfci.

So what would be NOT a part of the permanent wiring of the building or structure and NOT a cord set? A temp. Pole???
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