2014 NEC code changes, specifically 700.10, B,(5)

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
This one appears to have been revised for clarity not substance, although I'm not at all confident as there are lots of small changes and the wording is, in my humble opinion, extremely confusing. Regardless, it appears to allow for multiple circuits being run in the same raceway provided that the additional loads are Art 701 and/or 702 and essentially from the same switchboard, switchgear or individual OCP's off a common bus

and of course the switchboard/switchgear would have to be appropriately barriered.

This one appears to have been revised for clarity not substance, although I'm not at all confident as there are lots of small changes and the wording is, in my humble opinion, extremely confusing. Regardless, it appears to allow for multiple circuits being run in the same raceway provided that the additional loads are Art 701 and/or 702 and essentially from the same switchboard, switchgear or individual OCP's off a common bus

and of course the switchboard/switchgear would have to be appropriately barriered.


Can an you provide more information wth your question?
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(2011) (B) Wiring. Wiring of two or more emergency circuits supplied from the same source shall be permitted in the same raceway, cable, box, or cabinet. Wiring from an emergency source or emergency source distribution overcurrent protection to emergency loads shall be kept entirely independent of
all other wiring and equipment, unless otherwise permitted in (1) through (5):
(5) Wiring from an emergency source to supply any combination of emergency, legally required, or optional loads in accordance with (a), (b), (c), and (d):
a. From separate vertical switchboard sections, with or without a common bus, or from individual disconnects mounted in separate enclosures.
b. The common bus or separate sections of the switchboard or the individual enclosures shall be permitted to be supplied by single or multiple feeders without overcurrent protection at the source.
Exception to (5)(b): Overcurrent protection shall be permitted at the source or for the equipment, provided the overcurrent protection complies with the requirements of 700.27.
c. Legally required and optional standby circuits shall not originate from the same vertical switchboard section, panelboard enclosure, or individual disconnect enclosure as emergency circuits.
d. It shall be permissible to utilize single or multiple feeders to supply distribution equipment between an emergency source and the point where the combination of emergency, legally required, or optional loads are separated.

(2014)(B) Wiring. Wiring of two or more emergency circuits supplied from the same source shall be permitted in the same raceway, cable, box, or cabinet. Wiring from an emergency source or emergency source distribution overcurrent protection to emergency loads shall be kept entirely independent of all other wiring and equipment, unless otherwise permitted in 700.10(B)(1) through (5):
(5) Wiring from an emergency source to supply emergency and other loads in accordance with 700.10(B)(5)a, b, c, and d as follows:
a. Separate vertical switchgear sections or separate vertical switchboard sections, with or without a common bus, or individual disconnects mounted in separate enclosures shall be used to separate emergency loads from all other loads.
b. The common bus of separate sections of the switchgear, separate sections of the switchboard, or the individual enclosures shall be permitted to be supplied by single or multiple feeders without overcurrent protection at the source.
Exception to (5)b: Overcurrent protection shall be permitted at the source or for the equipment, provided that the overcurrent protection complies with the requirements of 700.28.
c. Emergency circuits shall not originate from the same vertical switchgear section, vertical switchboard section, panelboard enclosure, or individual disconnect enclosure as other circuits.
d. It shall be permissible to utilize single or multiple feeders to supply distribution equipment between an emergency source and the point where the emergency loads are separated from all other loads.

For the most part the rule change was to add the term "switchgear" and replaced the terms "legally required" and "optional" with the term "other".

I don't see anything that lets you run "other" circuits in with the "emergency" circuits in a common raceway.
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