2014 NEC garage

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Senior Member
Waiting for my copy of the 2014 NEC. Meanwhile, will someone please inform me about garage circuits not suppose to leave the garage? :? I often to catch some outside receptacles from these circuits. Thanks
Waiting for my copy of the 2014 NEC. Meanwhile, will someone please inform me about garage circuits not suppose to leave the garage? :? I often to catch some outside receptacles from these circuits. Thanks

Sorry, not anymore.....
(1) Garages. In each attached garage and in each detached
garage with electric power. The branch circuit supplying
this receptacle(s) shall not supply outlets outside of the
garage. At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed for
each car space.
{{Sorry, not anymore.....
(1) Garages. In each attached garage and in each detached
garage with electric power. The branch circuit supplying
this receptacle(s) shall not supply outlets outside of the
garage. At least one receptacle outlet shall be installed for
each car space. }}

OK. Thanks, but leads then to another question. :?
Shall receptacles be on a separate circuit than the lights (I normally put 1 or 2 receptacle circuits in the garage, the lights on a separate circuit & then to the attic) ?
Does it specify where the receptacle outlet for the car spaces be located or shall they be on separate circuits ? Thanks again.

On a separate note, Square D is coming out with a lot of newer panels (like a 40 circuit 80 space [or something like it]). With all the new AFCI circuit requirements, it does not seem as though these would be useful for residences. I am not fond of "half size" breakers to begin with.
Went on a service call for another guy, the breakers were tripping. Panel was full of half size breakers. Just touched a couple when removing panel cover & they tripped. Called the guy & told him. Left the service call for him!!
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