I’m being told by inspectors that because of this change, we are required to have a main in a multi meter disconnect or have each meter be a separate complete enclosure.... can I have some opinions here?
Your inspector is correct. There is going to be much wailing and knashing of teeth as the full impact of what they did in the '20 code comes into play. I also feel like a lot of the changes will be accepted to the same degree the 55mph speed limit was.
Plus 230.85 requires an EMERGENCY DISCONNECT for one and two family dwellings, in a readily accessible outdoor location.
Action Dave is right on the money, the full impact has not been realized yet.
The wording is up to interpretation.
exception 4. Says separate compartment.
what is the electrical definition of a compartment.
i had a conversation with an inspector and my question was separate compartment from what? The meter? The other disconnects?
Funny how it is an emergency disconnect. It’s not an equipment disconnect. So you can label the outdoor disconnect emergency disconnect and still use SEU to a panel and use the panel as 1st means of disconnect of the service