2020 NEC 210.8 accessory building & gfci

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Energy Manager
Just checking my thinking.
A 12’ x 18’ shed/workshop located on a residential backyard 10’ from the house.
The shed substructure is compacted soil at grade, 2” of pea gravel, rows of 4” x8”x16” solid concrete blocks stacked one to three high to accommodate slope, 4” x 4” skids resting on the blocks, 2x 6 joists running perpendicular to the skids, 3/4” osb. The joists are not nailed to the skids.

210.8(A) Dwelling Units...
(2) Garages and also accessory buildings that have a floor located at or below grade level not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and areas of similar use

210.8(B) Other than dwelling units ...
(8) Garages, accessory buildings, service bays, and similar areas other than vehicle exhibition halls and showrooms

Am I correct that the 240v 50 amp outlet does not have to be gfci as this accessory building is part of a dwelling unit, the floor is at least 7.5” above grade in all cases, and 210.8(A)(2) is the reference that governs and not 210.8(B)(8) ?
Just checking my thinking.
A 12’ x 18’ shed/workshop located on a residential backyard 10’ from the house.
The shed substructure is compacted soil at grade, 2” of pea gravel, rows of 4” x8”x16” solid concrete blocks stacked one to three high to accommodate slope, 4” x 4” skids resting on the blocks, 2x 6 joists running perpendicular to the skids, 3/4” osb. The joists are not nailed to the skids.

210.8(A) Dwelling Units...
(2) Garages and also accessory buildings that have a floor located at or below grade level not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and areas of similar use

210.8(B) Other than dwelling units ...
(8) Garages, accessory buildings, service bays, and similar areas other than vehicle exhibition halls and showrooms

Am I correct that the 240v 50 amp outlet does not have to be gfci as this accessory building is part of a dwelling unit, the floor is at least 7.5” above grade in all cases, and 210.8(A)(2) is the reference that governs and not 210.8(B)(8) ?

I would agree that gfci is not needed since it appears you have a wood floor or am I reading that incorrectly.
While I have seen buildings with a floor below grade, I have never seen a building with a floor "at grade". They are always a bit above grade and the code language only applies where the floor is at grade. The code language does not support the intent of the rule.
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