2020 NEC afci protection in bathroom in Massachusetts

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Kevin C

Hi guys
I was told today that residential bathroom needs to be on afci per 2020 mass amendment. I don't have my new code book yet, can any of the MA guys confirm that is the requirement, is that for the outlets only or apply to lighting as well?

Just got my '20, don't see 'bathrooms' in 210.12, but i do see some new 'triangle' icon , not sure what that's for

.....and why is the print so dang small?

Hi guys
I was told today that residential bathroom needs to be on afci per 2020 mass amendment. I don't have my new code book yet, can any of the MA guys confirm that is the requirement, is that for the outlets only or apply to lighting as well?

Yes, ALL 120V single phase, 15A and 20A circuits supplying outlets or devices in dwelling units shall have AFCI protection.
Look on NFPA web, Posted under Current and Prior Editions tab, Errata: Errata on NEC Handbook Reference 210.12 ( A ), it may be a mistake that the list of rooms was left out.
The list of places in a dwelling unit doesn't include bathrooms, garages, and outside outlets, as long as the circuit that feeds those outlets or devices stays in those areas.

I'm referring to NEC, not amendments that MA might add.
Still waiting for my 2020Nec. Ordered twice form Amazon neither one has showed up, need it for my upcoming code update class..............

But the Massachusetts amendments are are available on line at The State (of MA) Electrical Board
Since the bathroom require afci now, have you guys encounter nuisance trip on bathroom fans? I've always avoid putting the bathroom fan on afci due to nuisance trip. Maybe I should only use dc brushless motor fans from now on.
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