2021 IRC N1104.3, Exterior Lighting Controls

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Hello All, Happy New Year. Has anyone worked with the 2021 IRC Section N1104.3, (Exterior Lighting Controls)? Section attached. I work in the modular industry in Pennsylvania, we builder for 13 State in the North East. Connecticut is currently building to the 2021 IRC and New Jersey is jumping on in March. We are struggling to comply with this requirements. Any thoughts or product suggestions? Thank You.


  • 2021 IRC N1104.pdf
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You basically need a photo eye for the lighting, or stay under the 30w requirement
A standard light switch in addition to a photo eye would work.

Or a combo switch/timer switch with the dusk/dawn settings
Generally a photocell used to turn the lights on with the switchleg run through a set of contacts on a time clock with a manual overide that is used to determine what time of the day you want the photocell to be in control of the lighting.

A standard light switch in addition to a photo eye would work.

Or a combo switch/timer switch with the dusk/dawn settings

A standard light switch would not satisfy rule #3 if in the off position.

A standard light switch would not satisfy rule #3 if in the off position.


I use Intermatic spring-wound timers for this.

OP you just need a switch that is >downstream< of a photocell, and a rotary-timer switch for the override. The Intermatics go up to 12/hrs, which is what I would typically use in case of photocell failure, they can manually turn them on in the evening and know that it will go off the next morning.

Timers - https://www.intermatic.com/Catalog/us/Products/In-Wall-Controls/Spring-Wound-Countdown-Timers
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