2023 Code Change Materials 2

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
For the last 3 code cycles I have been saving articles from EC Mag on code changes, they are up to part 10, all available on line. EC&M Magazines latest issue has a good overview by Mike Holt of the 25 most important changes. The focus is a bit different between the two on what they cover. Later I will get the complete book on code changes, and I think that Mike has partnered with NFPA. IAEI has now partnered with ICC for code changes, instead of the NFPA.
Lastly, when I started instructing code change classes back in 1996, every code cycle I would state "there are more GFCI changes", and that remains true with the 2023.
Started reading my dads EC&M magazine in the late 1969's but over the years like newspapers page count shrunk maybe by 75% and instead if taking a hour to go thru it only took a few minutes and stopped getting it. We had a not too concerned shop teacher who would ask us questions straight out of EC& M magazine so I did not have to look anything up. As son as my dad bought home this magazine I would spend at least a hour pouring thru it. Look at Mike Holts 7 day a week code graphic & code question and Charlie Trouts code question every day.
I have looked for a book on Code changes for electrical, and I have never found one.

I get them for the Building and Residential Codes.

Who has this book?

For now, since California is one Code cycle behind everyone else, I get all my Code change info by studiously reading this forum. 👍🤣
My state just adopted the 2020 NEC. Every time I get EC&M or EC magazine with the 2023 NEC changes, I have to remind myself we are in the 2020 cycle.
I have looked for a book on Code changes for electrical, and I have never found one.

I get them for the Building and Residential Codes.

Who has this book?

For now, since California is one Code cycle behind everyone else, I get all my Code change info by studiously reading this forum. 👍🤣
Mike Holt has code change material
Started reading my dads EC&M magazine in the late 1969's but over the years like newspapers page count shrunk maybe by 75% and instead if taking a hour to go thru it only took a few minutes and stopped getting it. We had a not too concerned shop teacher who would ask us questions straight out of EC& M magazine so I did not have to look anything up. As son as my dad bought home this magazine I would spend at least a hour pouring thru it. Look at Mike Holts 7 day a week code graphic & code question and Charlie Trouts code question every day.
I still get EC&M but barely read it. I got irritated by an article they carried a couple of years ago. Writer was Doneshgari I think. He showed a lot of workplace pics supposedly illustrating inefficiencies. He made a lot of assumptions & left out a lot of detail. I emailed him with questions. He did reply but answered none of my questions. I think I posted here about that. I’ll have to look back. I went to their online site and challenged each point he wrote about. The moderator made a veiled insult about my “lengthy reply”. I retorted that my reply was a point by point challenge.
I have looked for a book on Code changes for electrical, and I have never found one.

I get them for the Building and Residential Codes.

Who has this book?

For now, since California is one Code cycle behind everyone else, I get all my Code change info by studiously reading this forum. 👍🤣
There are at least four that I can think of that publish code changes books, IAEI, Mike Holt, NJATC, Stallcup, and maybe the IEC.
I still get EC&M but barely read it. I got irritated by an article they carried a couple of years ago. Writer was Doneshgari I think. He showed a lot of workplace pics supposedly illustrating inefficiencies. He made a lot of assumptions & left out a lot of detail. I emailed him with questions. He did reply but answered none of my questions. I think I posted here about that. I’ll have to look back. I went to their online site and challenged each point he wrote about. The moderator made a veiled insult about my “lengthy reply”. I retorted that my reply was a point by point challenge.
I'm old school and still like to read things. My local Sunday newspaper page count was cut greatly then they raised the price $4.95. If I'm talking one of the grandchildren to the dollar store I will occasionally pick up the Sunday paper on following weekday for only $1.25. Sunday paper two weeks before Christmas only had two I served adds. One was to get a reduced rate if you sign up to have it delivered. Twenty years ago they would have a least twenty adds and a nice coupon oak for my wife to clip store coupons. I joined the great IAEI after I was 50 to get the needed CEU'S to renew my electrical license. Younger coworkers took more convient on line together their CEU'S.
EC&M keeps getting thinner and thinner. I am dropping my subscription
Used to read my dads copy of EC&M back in the 1960's . Started going out with my sparky dad & uncle when I was about ten years old on their side jobs. Had my own copy for many years but stopped my subscription.
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