208 Recept. Inside Cabinet

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Need to move a large wooden storage cabinet onto a wall that will cover up a 208 Vac flush mount receptacle.
Would it be ok to cut a hole out thru back of large wood cabinet for access to receipt. than cut hole thru side of cabinet allowing a 208 Vac cord end to fish thru into cabinet to be plugged-into receipt.?

This is in a Commercial Dining Room area. The 208 Vac appliance is a Large Bread Toaster.

Yes. Thats how most every dishwasher is cord is routed. Through the side of its cabinet.

Option..... Mount the recep in the cabinet. If you choose to move the recep into the cabinet make sure you use one of those plastic insulator sleeves that isolate it from combustable materials. They are cheap and easy to install.

No chance of moving the recep to where it isn't behind or in the cabinet?
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