As Wayne says in post 10, you do separate checks for derating in the conduit and ampacity at the circuit breakers.
The wire itself has a 90C temperature rating. So in the conduit you can derate from the 90C amapcity.
At the termination the circuit breaker has a 75C rating. So at the termination you are restricted to the 75C amapcity. But at the termination the wires are not bundled together, so you don't have to worry about derating for total CCC.
If the conduit were to travel through a hot roof area, in that location (but only in that location) you would need to evaluate for high ambient conditions and in that location you would have yet another calculated ampacity.
In essence you have a chain of different ampacities, each calculated for the specific conditions at different locations on the wire. You are allowed to base your operating current on the weakest link of that chain.