210.21 (B) single receptacle for a range.

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I'm embarrassed to ask but I am going to anyway just to confirm either way as I am always subject to error. Lol
I have a 11kw electric range @240v. 8kw/240=33.3 next size up is 40amperes OCPD. The only available cord for this range that the sales rep of 15 years gives me is a 50A rated cord 3 or 4 wire and I'm using a 4 wire of course. Yes this is H-Depot. My question is.... Can we install a 8/3 NMC on a 50A rated receptacle if it is protected at 40 amperes? The problem I have with this is if the home owner changes this range out with a induction style range rated to be protected at 50amperes and the breaker trips guess what? The home owner changes out the breaker from a 40A to a 50A because the receptacle is a 50 A so we're good! Well now we have a #8awg fuse because @ the 60 degree column this wire is only good for 40 Amperes. The 15 year sales rep says that this is what they do in Arizona were he originally lived prior to coming to Alaska. I wanted to say we can only get away with that here but definitely not Arizona. :lol:
Is this a loop hole where if the device is not rated less then the connected load and the circuit conductors are protected then were in compliance with the NEC? That would be great if this was in conduit. Doesn't seem like a "best practice".
A single receptacle of a larger amacity is permitted. A 50 amp receptacle is permitted on a 40 amp circuit. 210.21(B)
There is no 40 amp receptacle, you are stuck with minimum of a 50 amp rating. 50 is greater then 40 so it complies with 210.21(B).

Looks like you figured out that even though you have a 11kW range the actual load you are allowed to use can be as low as 8 kW via 220.55
210.21(B) Receptacles.
(1) Single Receptacle on an Individual Branch Circuit.
A single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit
shall have an ampere rating not less than that of the branch
It must be right in front of me and I dont see it. What I read for table 210.21 (B3) is where two or mor receptacles.
I see what you are saying and think that table has a flaw in it, unless you can find me a 40 amp receptacle to use in any situation that would demand one. There are 30's 50's and 60's of various voltage ratings but no "standard 40's" that I am aware of.
You can always install 6-3 NM cable with the 50A receptacle and plan for the future induction cook top.
You can always install 6-3 NM cable with the 50A receptacle and plan for the future induction cook top.
Unless that future induction unit is rated over 12 kW you still only need to figure it as a minimum 8 kW load for a single unit. And even then for a single range and following note 1 you could still have a 16 kW unit on a 40 amp circuit.
It must be right in front of me and I dont see it. What I read for table 210.21 (B3) is where two or mor receptacles.

That table would be for a single duplex (two receptacles) or more receptacles, not a single receptacle.
Thank you everyone for the response! This helped in a few ways with the most significant being the fact that they don't make a 40A plug and receptacle for that application. I finally looked at the chart. Wow!
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