210.52(B)(1) Small Appliances

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" Receptacle Outlets Served. In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast
room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the
two or more 20-ampere smallappliance branch circuits
required by 210.11(C()1) shall serve all wall and floor receptacle
outlets covered by 210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered
by 210.52(C), and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment."

I am having a hard time getting this to make sense.
It says, "shall serve all wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A)"

to me, this means that pretty much every outlet in a single family house will be 20A. One inspector says its only kitchen and dining, but how can that be so if specifically references 210.52(A) and specifies "ALL...OUTLETS covered by 210.52(A)"

I don't care if the inspector is making it easier. If i get a hard ass next time, i don't want to mess up because a previous inspector was easy
It means that two or more 20A small appliance branch circuits shall serve all kitchen countertop receptacles and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment as well as any 6/12 rule wall receptacles in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar areas.

Nothing implies the rest of the house.

The modifier "In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area" is a limitation that applies to the whole sentence. So the later phrase means "all outlets covered by 210.52(A) in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area."

Cheers, Wayne
It means that two or more 20A small appliance branch circuits shall serve all kitchen countertop receptacles and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment as well as any 6/12 rule wall receptacles in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar areas.

Nothing implies the rest of the house.

"all wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A)"

implies this, hence the post
The modifier "In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area" is a limitation that applies to the whole sentence. So the later phrase means "all outlets covered by 210.52(A) in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area."

Cheers, Wayne
so is this a horribly written rule?
Why even mention 210.52(A) again?

maybe if the code was worded as such,
Receptacle Outlets Served.
In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the
two or more 20-ampere small appliance branch circuits required by 210.11(C()1) shall serve:
- wall and floor receptacle outlets as required by 210.52(A), (this code section is applicable to other spaces)
- all countertop outlets covered by 210.52(C), and (this code section can only be applicable in the above mentioned spaces)
- receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment
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so is this a horribly written rule?
Why even mention 210.52(A) again?
Because the intent is they have to be on the SABC? The basic structure of the sentence is "In these particular rooms, these particular circuits shall serve all of these particular receptacles." And the receptacles in those rooms required by 210.52(A) are some of the particular receptacles.

Cheers, Wayne
Because the intent is they have to be on the SABC? The basic structure of the sentence is "In these particular rooms, these particular circuits shall serve all of these particular receptacles." And the receptacles in those rooms required by 210.52(A) are some of the particular receptacles.

Cheers, Wayne
it wouldn't have been confusing to me if they stated "210.52(A)(1)-(4)"
it seemed like an inherent contradiction including (A) in its entirety since it specifically calls out other spaces
if they stated "210.52(A)(1)-(4)"

The NEC avoids repeating itself by writing half a sentence that points to another section within.

The less specific that pointer section, the more unqualified persons must read.

To wade thru cross references, and discover similar uses in related articles without reference, is to assimilate what the NEC offers on that topic.

All wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A).


All 6/12 rule wall receptacles in the kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, dining room, or similar areas.

Seems pretty clear to me.


The ability to recall original intent of earlier NEC code cycles can articulate some clarity regardless of broken sentences pointing elsewhere, which frustrate the uninitiated.
" Receptacle Outlets Served. In the kitchen, pantry, breakfast
room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the
two or more 20-ampere smallappliance branch circuits
required by 210.11(C()1) shall serve all wall and floor receptacle
outlets covered by 210.52(A), all countertop outlets covered
by 210.52(C), and receptacle outlets for refrigeration equipment."

I am having a hard time getting this to make sense.
It says, "shall serve all wall and floor receptacle outlets covered by 210.52(A)"
No, you have to read all the other sections listed.

210.52(A) says read (1) to (4) sections, which (4) specifically says Small Appliances. All the other receptacles are under (1) to (3).
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