210.7 Multiple Branch Circuits

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Senior Member
Aspen, Colo
This spec sheet requires that if module is fed by 2- 2 wire branch circuits they are to be on the same phase. I would assume the neutral load for the module is only for led indicators & very minimal and the branch circuit neutrals are separated to respective switch legs being fed. Multiple modules can be in the enclosure
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Required yes/no
210.7 Multiple Branch Circuits. Where two or more branch circuits supply devices or equipment on the same yoke or mounting strap, a means to simultaneously disconnect the ungrounded supply conductors shall be provided at the point at which the branch circuits originate.
IMO, they would need to be simultaneously disconnected. This is not really possible on the same phase. I would question the engineer on the specs and ask how you can comply with the NEC. Are you sure you need 2 circuits?
Denis, the requirement is stated on the module which has an ETL listing -- I find it odd but do I question a NRTL listing? the NEC requirement has no bearing on the listing IMHO
I don't think this would fall under 210.7, if it did multi pole contactors would too and then we would have a major problem industry wide. :D

The photo shows Line 1-N-EGC and Line 2 with no neutral how does this work?

Also I don't see a yoke or a strap so forget 210.7.
The photo shows Line 1-N-EGC and Line 2 with no neutral how does this work?

Also I don't see a yoke or a strap so forget 210.7.

each branch circuit neutral has its own buss terminal - all switch leg neutrals will tie to the terminal of their branch circuit feed neutral -- the neutral tapped for the module is for the indicator lighting return current.
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