210?? or which art.??

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Senior Member
West Wisconsin
feeding some receptacles, - all new construction in a building, I can't seem to find the article in 210, 225, or anywhere else but I remember seeing where I can feed a 50A recep with 10's if I'm under 18 inches - - am I nuts on this or does the code support this - if so I'm dying to find it!!

Thanks for any help.
It depends on your branch circuit rating.
You can feed a 50 amp receptacles outlet with #10s ona 30 amp branch circuit but assuming you are talking about a 50 amp circuit, I think you are referencing 210.19(A)*(4) which has the 18" rule but does not pertain to receptacle outlets.
I am confused-- How does Table 210.21(B)(3) allow that

I inferred from OP that it was a single receptacle so 210.10(B)(1) would have been my reference.

(B) Receptacles.
(1) Single Receptacle on an Individual Branch Circuit.
A single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit
shall have an ampere rating not less than that of the branch

210(B)(3) seems to be for multiple receptacles on a branch circuit.
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