215.4 Feeders with Common Neutral

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Senior Member
Re: 215.4 Feeders with Common Neutral

I beleave this is only allowed for feeders and not branch circuits.

yes it means that lets say you have a run to three 208/120v panels or disconects at the other end of the building and you wanted to save wire and time you can run nine feeders and a load caculated neutral.
the bad thing is that if someone at a latter time came along and upset the balance of these panels the neutral could be overloaded.

and the fact that the inspector can require you to provide the caculated loads that will be put on these feeders.

215.5 Diagrams of Feeders.
If required by the authority having jurisdiction, a diagram showing feeder details shall be provided prior to the installation of the feeders. Such a diagram shall show the area in square feet of the building or other structure supplied by each feeder, the total computed load before applying demand factors, the demand factors used, the computed load after applying demand factors, and the size and type of conductors to be used.

and all the wires must be ran in the same race way

roger deas

Re: 215.4 Feeders with Common Neutral

It is true that 215.4 is dealing with feeders, but 225.7(B) also specifically allows a common neutral to an unlimited number of ungrounded conductors. (outside branch cicuits) There is nowhere in the code that specifically prohibits this in any installation.


[ May 02, 2003, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: roger deas ]
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