220.14 (k)

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Senior Member
Yachats Oregon
If you have an office area in a building (@ warehouse, service center...) that is not in an office building, can you use the Demand Factors Table 220.44 for the receptacle load?

220.14(K) states Banks and Office Buildings, not office areas of other types of buildings. Any thoughts on this?
After reading the post that I put up earlier, my question is not very clear. I will try again.
If you have an office area in a building (@ warehouse, service center...) that is not in an office building or bank, does it fall under the same rules as 220.14(K)? It states to use the larger of 220.14(k)(1) or 220.14(K)(2) for the calculation.

220.14(K) states Banks and Office Buildings, not office areas of other types of buildings. Any thoughts on this?
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