I used the Optional Calculation for dwellings for a 400A service. I further used this same calculations for the split 200A panels on that service, and a 100A subpanel off of one of the 200A panels, so I could determine the load on each panel.
The load calculated on the 100A panel comes to less than 100A (actually about 65A). Can this method be used for feeder loads under 100A? The code says "total connected load served by a single set of service or feeder conductors with an ampacity of 100 or greater", and I've wired that subpanel for 100 amps. I just don't understand if this means the resultant amp calculation must be 100A or more, or I just need to wire it for 100A or more. The optional method produces a substantially smaller amp demand than the classic calculation.
The load calculated on the 100A panel comes to less than 100A (actually about 65A). Can this method be used for feeder loads under 100A? The code says "total connected load served by a single set of service or feeder conductors with an ampacity of 100 or greater", and I've wired that subpanel for 100 amps. I just don't understand if this means the resultant amp calculation must be 100A or more, or I just need to wire it for 100A or more. The optional method produces a substantially smaller amp demand than the classic calculation.