225.31 and 225.32

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South Dakota
I have a meter disconnect outside of a residence. About 40 feet away. My question is I am bringing in my feeders in through the basement and then up to the first floor to a main breaker loadcenter. The total conductor inside the house is about 7 to 10 feet. The feeders are fused at the meter/disconnect. Is this a violation of 225.31 or 225.32 or do I need a disconnect outside of the house.


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
There is no distance limit in the NEC as to how far into a structure or building a feeder can go before needing a disconnecting means.

For what it is worth IMHO, what you have described does not meet the requirements of 225.32 and you would need to have a disconnecting means on the outside of the home. But ultimately you need to contact the local AHJ and see if they have a local rule that permits 7 to 10 feet of feeder in the structure.

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