225.31 Disconnect mean

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Senior Member
225.31 Disconnect mean
Means shall be provided for disconnecting all ungrounded conductors that supply or pass through the building or structure.

We have three automatic transfer switches: ATS-1, ATS-2, ATS-3.
The normal feeders to above ATS come from switchboard ?MSA? which locates in same building as the ATS.
The emergency feeders to above ATSs come from a paralleling switchgear which locates in a different building with the ATS and switchboard ?MSA?.

Base on above NEC rule, looks like we have to install a disconnect / breaker to protect emergency feeders and ahead of each of above ATSs
(better in same building as ATS). This can lead to a spacing problem in ATSs room if the ATSs are existing. What?s your thought about this?
Did I interpret the code correctly?
Is it possible your facility would qualify under one of the exceptions listed in 250.32 ?
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