225.6(C) [new section]

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Section/Paragraph: 225.6(C) [new section]

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225.6 Conductor Size and Support.

(C) Power Cable Assemblies. Cable assemblies that meet utility standards for neutral-supported power cable assemblies are acceptable for use outdoors for feeders or branch circuits. The use of the uninsulated conductor shall be limited by the provision of this Code.

Informational Note: See ANSI/ICEA S-76-474 Insulated Cable Engineers Association Standard for Neutral-Supported Power Cable Assemblies with Weather-Resistant Extruded Insulation Rated 600 Volts


Million of miles of cable meeting this standard are used in the United States and around the world in all climatic conditions. The failure rate of the cable (barring mechanical damage such as falling trees and large branches or felled utility poles) is miniscule. It is a proven technology.

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This is definitely non-trivial. However, there are a couple of hurdles to jump:

  • The cable construction, utility grade or not, is not in the Scope of Article 225 nor any other Article covered by CMP 4
  • It will need to be vetted by CMP 6, probably 7 and possibly 3.

I suggest you make corresponding PIs to CMPs 6, 3 & 7. The TCC will probably refer it for comment by them anyway, but you can't count on it and any one of them could veto it.
One consideration is this utility tri or quad cable is not Listed, and the conductors are considered "covered". However there are listed versions available and the CMP may say no due to listed drop cable being available.
I would not be surprised if its the same exact cable...
One consideration is this utility tri or quad cable is not Listed, and the conductors are considered "covered". However there are listed versions available and the CMP may say no due to listed drop cable being available.
I would not be surprised if its the same exact cable...

Covered? Since the hot wires and the neutral/grounding wires are in contact, who would not insulate them?

Who lists "triplex"? I can't find triplex, quad, or messenger in the white book except for one reference in PITY medium voltage cable.
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