225 Kcmil

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Senior Member
New Hampshire
In Mikes Grounding vs Bonding book he shows a calculation in regards to sizing main bonding jumpers [250.28(D)(1)]

The example shows 3 sets of 600 Kcmil on the ungrounded conductors for a total area of 1800 kcmil. Multiplied by 12.5% and you come to 225 kcmil. I understand the calculation, I am just wondering if this is a standard wire size or if the answer to the question should be a 250 kcmil?
In Mikes Grounding vs Bonding book he shows a calculation in regards to sizing main bonding jumpers [250.28(D)(1)]

The example shows 3 sets of 600 Kcmil on the ungrounded conductors for a total area of 1800 kcmil. Multiplied by 12.5% and you come to 225 kcmil. I understand the calculation, I am just wondering if this is a standard wire size or if the answer to the question should be a 250 kcmil?

I don't believe that is the wire size but the calculated answer. The wire size would be 250KCM
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