227 volt

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New member
I have recently taken over a bldg. which is mainly 277 volt and 460 volt 3 phase. Have converters for 110 wall circuits. Many devices old and starting to go bad. Exit lites, 227 v.
battery chargers for emergency lite system,227 v.
etc. Can I get per unit converters which will make 110 v at the sorce where I need it? Are they cost effective , Would this be advisable or not and why?
Re: 227 volt

First your profile says "director of bldgs." so I will assume you will be hiring an electrician to do the work right? :eek:

Do not try to change the voltage of the Exit lights or EBUs (Emergency Battery Units).

All most all replacement ones will have connections for 120 and 277 volt feeds.

When the electrician orders new units he will just have to ask for units to work on 277 volts.

Transformers (converters in your terms) would be inefficient and costly to install at each location.

There are good reasons to use 480/277 circuits for what ever possible in a building.

[ January 01, 2004, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: 227 volt

I am betting the voltages are here but the terms are wrong because they are not used by an electrical professional. 265/460 (277/480)and 110/220 (120/240)were used a long time ago and are not standard voltages any more. :D
Re: 227 volt

Actuly the 227 v is still used in Saudi. and Africa 110/220 is a very common voltage through out Europe and other part of the world. What made me think this was from Europe was when he started talking about converters. I don't know anybody that calls transformers that, but those from over seas. But maybe your right as I have yet to know where 277/480 would be used except here.
Re: 227 volt


Bhar, No one I have come across in Europe (England, France, Germany in my Experiance) calls Tranneys *Convertors*. Except Laymen ... and I'm sure US laymen call them Convertors too :)
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