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New member
230-2 I think we are all clear when more than one service is allowed to serve one premise, however I bleieve there is still confusion regarding multiple tennant occupancies. Can more than one meter (of a multiple meter service) feed a single tennant space? Please consider this space was two tennants originally and is being converted to one single tennant with two (100 & 200 120/208 volt) meters feeding sub-panels inside the tennant space.
Thanks guys for your help!
Re: 230-2

Does the tenent want to pay more than one power bill? What does the energy provider that you are dealing with say?
Re: 230-2

My client has a 5-acre estate. He wanted to add a waterfall on the back half on the other side of the creek. He got bids to trench over from the existing service. He decided it was cheaper to run a second service from the power pole on the road on the back of his property. He now has three meters:
1. House.
2. In-law unit.
3. Waterfall.

I don't know if they combine bills.

I "bought" a street light across the street from my house. I get one bill for street lighting and one bill for my house. I only have one meter.
Re: 230-2


We just ran into the leasing of lighting from Utilities today. They will install a light pole or mount a luminaire on an existing pole and bill you monthly. The bill covers the cost of electricity and maintenance of the luminaire. No need to meter it.


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