230.40 ex#5, 2005 NEC

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Senior Member
square one
I have a 6 unit apartment bldg. with an overhead service drop with a six meter bank w/ 6 100 A CB's. The owner wants to expand the building and add a house panel. If I'm reading art 230.40 ex#4 correctly this is permitted without adding a main disco if I install another SE cable and meter socket.
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Sorry, I can't agree. This is giving permission to feed a set of service entrance conductors to feed a common service for lights, alarms, irrigations, and the such. You are still only permitted to serve six or less service disconnecting means at one location. :)
Charlie, let me play devil's advocate....
When you look at the handbook and check 230.40 Exception 2 and 4 and the narrative refers you to Exhibits 230-2 thru 230-13, it appears Exhibit 230-4 allows what the OP describes.
I'd don't like it and I hope you prove me wrong, but the way I read it...permissible
I'm on the Gus bus,.. and here, in part, is why

4-105 Log #3830 NEC-P04 Final Action: Accept
(230.40 Exception No. 4)
Submitter: James H. Maxfield, Dover, NH
Recommendation: Revise text to read as follows:
Exception No. 4: A Two-family dwellings, or a multifamily dwellings and
multiple occupancy structures shall be permitted to have one set of service-
entrance conductors installed to supply the circuits covered in 210.25.

Substantiation: The current exception only applies to two family and
multifamily dwellings. It would appear that the intent of the exception is to
permit an additional disconnecting means to comply with the minimum
standards of 210.25 where common area branch circuits are installed on
existing two family and multifamily structures.
The current language does not permit the addition of service conductors of
the same voltage to an existing multiple occupancy structure.
For example, an existing multifamily dwelling consisting of six individual
dwelling units which requires the installation of smoke alarms within the
common areas or site illumination of any other common load could use the
current exception to install a ?house panel? to accommodate the new circuits
without performing alterations to an existing code compliant electrical service.
While a multiple occupancy structure which may need to add common area
branch circuits as described in 210.25(B) of the 2008 edition would need to
perform some service alterations to an existing code compliant service to
accommodate the necessary new branch circuits. This could be very
impracticable depending on the size and location of the existing compliant
Acceptance of this revised language would avoid the need to perform service
alterations to an existing code compliant service of a multiple occupancy
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
Number Eligible to Vote: 10
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 10
Sorry, I can't agree. This is giving permission to feed a set of service entrance conductors to feed a common service for lights, alarms, irrigations, and the such. You are still only permitted to serve six or less service disconnecting means at one location. :)

I agree that you can't have more than six service disc. sw. at one location but you can have two locations with this exception.
I agree that 240.40 Ex 4 would allow this installation but in my area the utility would charge a different rate schedule for the house power than the apartartments allowing it under 230.2(D) also.
. . . handbook and check 230.40 Exception 2 and 4 and the narrative refers you to Exhibits 230-2 thru 230-13, it appears Exhibit 230-4 allows what the OP describes. . .
The OP is discussing additional service disconnecting means and you are limited to six in any one location.

I agree that you can't have more than six service disc. sw. at one location but you can have two locations with this exception.

. . . the utility would charge a different rate schedule for the house power than the apartments . . .
We do the same. There would be six residential meters and one commercial meter. :)
the CMP seems to allow for an additional disconnecting means there are six and an additionaal one would be seven
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