230.6 (exhibit 230.15) underground service conductors and grounding

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Ft Collins, CO
Does 230.6 allow me to install the main service disconnect inside of the building being served? Our local utility company is putting there meter and CT cabinet on the outside of there transformer(pad mounted). I am wondering if I need a disconnect on the outside of the building or is a 400 amp main disconnect panel inside acceptable. Also, would I need to pull an equipment bond between the main disconnect panel and the CT cabinet located on the transformer or will the utility company be required to bond their own equipment.
Does 230.6 allow me to install the main service disconnect inside of the building being served?

230.6 has nothing to say about where a service disconnecting means is installed.

You want to look at 230.70(A). It permits the service disconnect to be either outside of the building, or inside nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors.
If the disconnect on the inside is nearest the entrance of the SEC's then that's all that should be required. On the line side of the service disconnect there will be no additional EGC's run with the service conductors. All metal parts bonding and metallic service raceways bonding will be accomplished by using the service neutral on the line side of the service disconnect.
I would double check with the POCO just to see if they have any special requirements.
Thanks, I was 90% on the nearest point of entrace into the building, but wasn't sure about the CT cabinet.

I would check wit the POCO if I were you. Some places around here require a disconnect on the outside of the building resi. and commercial.
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