230.72 all services need to be grouped?

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Senior Member
Does 230.72 mean that if I have an additional service that's allowed by 230.2 (B), they ALL have to be grouped? Could I have the house service disco in the basement and an off-peak service outside? Or do they need to be grouped?
My understanding over the years has been if you have single set or multiple sets of conductors from same source - it is typically only one service and you must group all permitted service disconnecting means in same area. Fire pump service disconnect about the only exception to this.

If you had two supplies like 120/240 single phase and 480/277 three phase, then you have two services. In that sort of case all permitted service disconnects for each service must be grouped together but each service doesn't need to be in same location. Permanent plaque or other effective labeling must be at each service telling you where all the service disconnecting means are located when not all together though.
We do the same with PV, even tho it's not technically a "service". Wasn't sure if off peak, being on a different rate schedule, fell under the same rules. Thanks.
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