Motor Starting
Motor Starting
I believe the reason is there are 200V rated motors and 230/240V motors in theory yes a 230 volt motor will run off of 208V but the problem this is in a perfect environment, realiastillacy the utility is typically allowed 5% voltage drop at their service (depending on your utility) and the customer typically 5% thought their facility (if complying with ASHRE 90.1 I believe it states 5% total voltage drop 2% on feeders and 3% on branches) so this is where the problem comes in for some reason if you operate a 230V motor at 208V and you the voltage drop falls to the 10% line you only have 187.2V at the motor, this means the motor will not be able to start. The low side of a 230V motor is 207V as mentioned above, so as long as your conductors are sized for zero volt drop and the utility does not fluxuicate their voltage to the site you would be operating at the absolute bare minimum, if you were to use a 200V motor it would be able to operate at the maximum low end of the voltage drop on a 208V system where as a 230V motor could not. I guess I would just specify a motor rated at 200V for 208V application. I believe the IEEE red book has some good information about voltage considerations. Hope this helps.
Red Book Definition:
Nominal System Voltage: ?The root-mean-square phase-to-phase voltage by which the system is designated and to which certain operating characteristics of the system are related. (The nominal system voltage is near the voltage level at which the system normally operates. To allow for operating contingencies, systems generally operate at voltage levels about 5-10% below the maximum system voltage for which system components are designed.)?