dmanda24 said:
would I still need the DPDT switch?
Yep. Need a diagram? :grin:
dmanda24 said:
What would you say the max recommended wattage for this kind of set up would be?
There are four modules to the inverter I can take one or two out and make it 3 or 2 kw
That's not necessary. The inverter will only use what it must to produce the current you're trying to get from it.
(This ignores losses and inefficiencies, of course)
If you use 2kw, it'll pull half of the 170a anyway; the extra modules won't change that. I'd rather have them in for starting current, short-term peak demands, and reliability.
There should be no issue with jump-starting at the end of the day because, as Derek said, you should use matching batteries, and they should be independent of the vehicle's electrical system.
Since you can't charge at 12v and use at 24v at the same time anyway, you won't be able to use the inverter while recharging from a vehicle. Why not just make it an independent 24v system with a 24v plug-in charger?
You should definitely use deep-cycle batteries. Nobody says you can only use two, remember. If you find you don't get enough run-time with one pair of batteries, add a second pair, wiring them in parallel-series.
Truck parts and accessory stores have a lot of pre-made battery cabling. I've seen cable assemblies with two, three, and four battery clamps. The wire was larger than anything you'll find at the Pep Boys, NAPA, Auto Zone, or Advance.