24 volt transformer inside service panel

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Evansville, In
I recieved a phone call from a homeowner wanting to know if it is illegal to put a 24 volt transformer inside the main service panel. I cant find anything in the code book against it, any help would be appreciated
I recieved a phone call from a homeowner wanting to know if it is illegal to put a 24 volt transformer inside the main service panel. I cant find anything in the code book against it, any help would be appreciated

The low voltage wires cannot enter panel. I sometimes mount xfmr on panel in unfinished basement. But the lv cables never enter panel.
you must comply with article 725. the info given is possibly incomplete, so the answers above might also be incomplete (everyone seems to be assuming it is a class 2 transformer)
What is the reasoning that LV cant pass through the panel? If they used THHN or another cable/wire rated for the correct voltage of the service, wouldn't it be okay? Like running control wires for HVAC in the same conduit as the power, as long as you use properly rated wire?
Has to do with the class of wiring. You can't have the blue-bloods and the red-necks mixing it up. Haven't you seen those Miller commercials?!?!?
Take a peek at 725.55 and you will see what the requirements are.

The reason is to keep the two different system conductors separate, so that during a fault condition, fault current is not imposed on the Class 2 wiring method possibly causing a shock or fire.
Here is a perfect example of the very code violation. Hopefully, I will be changing this panel for the lady this week.


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