240/120 panels tapped from high leg dist.

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Houston, Texas
I am having a problem finding in the NEC where the requirment is line to neutral loads can not be fed from panels with a high leg distribution. I, for reasons unknown, remember a second panel is required for 120 single phase line to neutral loads. Thanks folks

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
I am having a problem finding in the NEC where the requirment is line to neutral loads can not be fed from panels with a high leg distribution. I, for reasons unknown, remember a second panel is required for 120 single phase line to neutral loads. Thanks folks
There is no NEC requirement for a second panel, although it is a nice design idea.


Senior Member
I have done this at the request of engineers, and plant supervisor's, to prevent maintenance workers from connecting 120 volt loads on the high leg, but, as was said not an NEC requirement, other then this leg has to be marked orange.


Senior Member
Oregon Coast
There are lots of very old seafood processing plants here (port town, big fishing fleet :p) and most of them have high leg delta services. I don't think PUD will even put in a Delta service anymore for new commercial construction. But anyway, I learned early on (the hard way) that when I open a panel and see every 3rd space empty, it should probably stay the way.
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