We are doing an install that requires a dedicated circuit. One person says we can use a 12/4 cable for the 3 circuits needed in that same area and use single pole breakers.This I believe to be a violation. He went on to say, this will keep that 1 circuit dedicated. Hence, only the circuit with a fault will trtip, not the dedicated circuit. 240.15 (B) (2) states an " identified handle tie" is required in this senario (sharing a neutral). Question#1, What is the definition of the quote "identified handle tie"? I think it means an approved means is required to trip all 3 single pole breakers simultaneously (aka an approved breaker tie/ bridge for the 3 breakers instead of using a 3 pole breaker). If so, my 2nd question is, Would that nullify the dedicated circuit if the breakers were tied together (bridged)? For my last question, Is this the proper section to be refeering or is there other sections I missed? Thanks!