Two dwellings on a single property, one old and one new Additional Dwelling Unit or 'ADU', both fed from one service.
Service is 200A goes to the first (old) dwelling, then a 100A feeder to the ADU.
Both are complete NEC defined dwellings, range, bathroom and sleeping, both pretty small so the load calc pencils out.
The ADU has a 100A main breaker panel.
Per 240.24(B) the tenants of the ADU would obviously not be able to waltz into the bedroom of the main hsoue in the middle of the night and reset a feeder breaker.
The exceptions are for multi occupancy and guest suites, and
there is more to the story, the ADU is intended to be an air-bnb so could it be both a guest suite and a dwelling per the NEC?
The ADU also is "an accommodation with two or more contiguous rooms" and fits the definition of guest suite pretty well, however
I wanted to get you all's thought and experiences with this as if they are both just dwellings as the air bnb could end any time and it could be sold as two dwellings.
Is this a violation of 240.24(B)?
Service is 200A goes to the first (old) dwelling, then a 100A feeder to the ADU.
Both are complete NEC defined dwellings, range, bathroom and sleeping, both pretty small so the load calc pencils out.
The ADU has a 100A main breaker panel.
Per 240.24(B) the tenants of the ADU would obviously not be able to waltz into the bedroom of the main hsoue in the middle of the night and reset a feeder breaker.
The exceptions are for multi occupancy and guest suites, and
there is more to the story, the ADU is intended to be an air-bnb so could it be both a guest suite and a dwelling per the NEC?
The ADU also is "an accommodation with two or more contiguous rooms" and fits the definition of guest suite pretty well, however
I wanted to get you all's thought and experiences with this as if they are both just dwellings as the air bnb could end any time and it could be sold as two dwellings.
Is this a violation of 240.24(B)?