240v GFI protection over 50a

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Hadley, Ma
Electrical Contractor
Good Morning,

We have a customer wanting a kiln installed in their basement (240 volt, 60amps, single phase). the kiln can either be cord and plug or hardwired. There will be disconnecting means next to the kiln. The manufacture requires an 80a breaker. The inspector is requiring GFI protection. I have been unable to find a gfi 2-pole breaker with that amperage. Has anyone run into a similar situation or have a solution?
I'm not sure you will, has the inspector give a specific code section for the requirement? (I assume this is residential from the sound of it.)

Also, for that feed I'd hard-wire it; that'll cost less than a plug/receptacle rated for 80 amps.
Mass adopted the 2020 cycle which in short states the following
210.8(A) Dwelling Units. All 125-volt through 250-volt receptacles installed in the locations specified in 210.8(A)(1) through (A)⁠(11)....
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